Thursday, April 28, 2011

Content is King !

For the past couple of days I have been thinking of a good blog post, was able to think of few ( technical of course ) and have been doing some research on those topics. At first my research was limited to Wikipedia, then I started to use the majestic power of Google. It took me on a journey that made me realize that in the universe called WWW content is king. Original and Unique thats the key to the prize.

These days you will find websites and e-books on any topic, even on how to run away or how to kill oneself ( now please don't be stupid enough to try any of those - you only get one chance with life, and there is no reset). So in this huge universe of variety of topic you need a strong weapon to make you stand out and that my friend is the uniqueness and originality of  content.

People say, the more content you have more the traffic so better as much content as you can, even if its copy paste. Naturally one would easily come to that conclusion since people visit a site for information then lets provide them with that.

But my good friend I would suggest you to re consider that idea of just copy pasting, having a site with information that one may access from any other website in future will make your blog/site nothing more than a pit stop. He/She has no need to visit you in future, why even Google will point to some other website with higher page ranking than yours. So to make your site stand out in the crowd you need your content to be unique and original. Why even the boss man, Google too prefer unique contents. Google goes on and on indexing websites and blogs each and every day. If it comes across a unique content it would be given higher preference over the other and a higher position.

So my advice to all the new bloggers and webmasters out there, like myself, try to work on something unique that will help you stand out of the crowd thats what will bring to you and your website the ultimate success. So get your thinking caps on and start finding that spice niche (a distinct segment of a market - Dictionary )