Friday, April 29, 2011

Where did my today go

Waking up after a good nap I asked my self the question Where did my today Go?. The question millions have asked before me and millions will ask after me. Went to bed yesterday by midnight, early by my usual standards. Woke up at 11:30 am, OMG slept in - so got out of bed, went for a bath and went to eat. Came back by 1 Pm. Ready to get my days works started had to do some studies for exams, spend some time on research for an article and finish a few I have kept in draft. Before starting on my days activity felt a little drowsiness, one that you feel after having a good lunch. Decided to lie my head down for a couple of minutes.............

Woke up 10 minuted ago, to be exact 6:40 Pm.

Now back to my original question Where did my Today go? 

1 comment:

Codehs said...

Cant believe I slept like that :)