As many of you already know or understand the so called illegal downloading of movies through torrents is not actually a problem or threat to the entertainment industry but actually, as business people call it a "new venture ". Here is a documentary filmmaker , who support people uploading his new documentary,Blue Gold"World water wars,to torrent site. He request people who download to consider donating a small amount through his website or buy a DVD.
well as he said he wishes more people would buy his DVD and now as you can see from this blog post i am giving his documentary a free advertising :D and i should also point out that if this documentary wasn't relesed in the torrent site the chances of me watching it is 0%, i saw people downloading it and downloaded it. Now he a got a new fan due to that. Its a really good one, if you ask me.
The site should add some google ads or something like that they would have made good money ;) , i am sure the site is now getting a lot of trafic as there are many sites linking to it now and in IMDB due to torrent popularity ofcousrse
can anything else other than torrents give it this much exposure.... :D
A detailed news about it in torrentfreak
People at the entertainment industry should really consider about this way of making media available to the general public/customers. Torrents can be considered by them as a double edged sword,i agree, but the side that is towards this is blunt and the other one is sharp. It might decrease there sales..... But selling music directly is not the only way to make money. One can sell fan stuff like t shirts, concert tickets,etc and for these products to be sold popularity is a must and torrents are reaching more people kinda a more efficient Internet advertising...... and these so called pirates are not people who don't pay money. actually most are willing to pay they want to try them out first.
another story about it in torrentfreak
well as he said he wishes more people would buy his DVD and now as you can see from this blog post i am giving his documentary a free advertising :D and i should also point out that if this documentary wasn't relesed in the torrent site the chances of me watching it is 0%, i saw people downloading it and downloaded it. Now he a got a new fan due to that. Its a really good one, if you ask me.
The site should add some google ads or something like that they would have made good money ;) , i am sure the site is now getting a lot of trafic as there are many sites linking to it now and in IMDB due to torrent popularity ofcousrse
15th may
Up 307% in popularity this week.
can anything else other than torrents give it this much exposure.... :D
A detailed news about it in torrentfreak
People at the entertainment industry should really consider about this way of making media available to the general public/customers. Torrents can be considered by them as a double edged sword,i agree, but the side that is towards this is blunt and the other one is sharp. It might decrease there sales..... But selling music directly is not the only way to make money. One can sell fan stuff like t shirts, concert tickets,etc and for these products to be sold popularity is a must and torrents are reaching more people kinda a more efficient Internet advertising...... and these so called pirates are not people who don't pay money. actually most are willing to pay they want to try them out first.
another story about it in torrentfreak
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