Wednesday, April 15, 2009


experience --- in the past couple of days life thought me an important lesson, that's i must gain experience and that is what i lack. If you know photoshop or html or php doesn't make you a good web designer or gfx designer you must polish these skills and those skills are nothing more than tools with which you must attain experience.

In the past couple of days i been helping with the designing of the IEEE Student Branch website of my college and before i did design something for IEEE SB as well. But both time something in my head said "is that what you call good?pathetic. you call your self a designer, you call yourself a developer go back to Lower Primary school."

I felt envious of all the good designers for who art came like water. I must do more practice and attain that level of skill :(.

As Bruce lee said" i do not fear a man with 10000 kicks but a man who practiced one kick 10000 times"

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